EDBS Client Portal Is Now Live
We would like to announce that the EDBS Client Portal is now live!
When our clients log in to the EDBS Client Portal, they will be able to see metrics, graphs and access billing information. We configured the default metrics and graphs that we think will be most useful to our clients and the most applicable to show EDBS’s work. Although, we can always customize it to our customer’s liking; just email us and tell what you would like to be configured.
Here is a screenshot of the EDBS Client Portal with fictitious company and data.

We hope that you will like the EDBS Client Portal. We have a lot of future plans for it like report generation, sending client correspondence, alerts and many more so stay tuned!
Thank you for reading.
If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@edentalbillingsolutions.com or (571) 208-2552.