
Dental Insurance Billing

Our Dental Insurance Billing Service is a variable pricing service that is based on the insurance collection work for the month per office location. The fee is graduated per level and calculated based on the office’s total insurance collections at the end of the month. A fee calculator is provided in the link below.

*No setup fee. See breakdown and examples below.

Base Level

$ 1075

per month

Insurance collections up to $40k a month.
  • • Flat fee of $1075 per month
1st Level

% 3.4

per month

Percent of insurance collections from $40k to $100k a month.
  • • Cost breakdown: Base fee of $1075 + 3.4% of collections from $40k to $100k
  • • Cost: from $1075 to $3115
2nd Level

% 2.9

per month

Percent of insurance collections from $100k to $150k a month.
  • • Cost breakdown: 1st Level max fee of $3115 + 2.9% of collections from $100k to $150k
  • • Cost: from $3115 to $4565
3rd Level

% 2.5

per month

Percent of insurance collections from $150k and above.
  • • Cost breakdown: 2nd Level max fee of $4565 + 2.5% of collections from $150k and up.
  • • Cost: from $4565 to $5815 (base on $200k)

Example 1: $70,000.00 of insurance collection would have a total fee of $2095.00 ($1075 base + $1020.00 [3.4% of $30,000]) for the month.
Example 2: $55,000.00 of insurance collection with a $98,000 total (Insurance + Patient) collection and an add-on Patient Billing service would have a fee of $2185 ($1075 base + $510 [3.4% of $15,000] 1st lvl + $600 [tier2 patient billing]).
Example 3: $120,000.00 of insurance collection with a $175,000 total (Insurance + Patient) collection and an add-on Patient Billing service would have a fee of $4945.00 ($3115 1st LVL + $580 [2.9% of $20,000] 2nd LVL + $1250 [tier3 Patient Billing]) for the month.

*PRICING NOTES: Prices are subject to change with prior notice to our subscribers/clients.